Scope of Services

  • Phobia and Fear

    Phobia is irrational & uncontrollable fear of an object, activity or situation whereas fear is an unpleasant feeling resulting from perceived danger, real or imagined by an individual.

  • Anxiety

    Excessive worry and intense fear about everyday situations. The major signs and symptoms include restlessness, increased heart rate, rapid breathing, sweating etc.

  • Anger Management

    Anger if managed appropriately can be useful in bringing positive changes. But uncontrolled or raging anger can result into verbal or physical abuse, can cause headaches, anxiety, depression, insomnia, heart problems, high blood pressure and digestive issues.

  • Low Self Esteem

    Lacking confidence in one’s own abilities. One feels incompetent, inadequate or unloved, usually fear making mistakes etc.

  • Trauma Recovery

    Trauma is a psychological response to an event which is physically and emotionally threatening like an accident, rape, natural disaster (earthquake, flood, war etc.). Trauma can result into PTSD.

  • Sleep Disorders

    Changes in sleep patterns affecting one’s physical, emotional and mental health. Various sleep disorders include insomnia, hypersomnia, restless leg syndrome.

  • Stress & Emotional Turmoil

    Stress can cause physical, behavioral and mental symptoms in an individual. Stress and emotional turmoil can result from experiencing relationship problems with family or friends, job stress, having a child, job change, movement from one city or house to another and financial pressures.

  • Somatoform Disorders

    When a person is suffering from somatoform disorders, they have an extreme focus on physical symptoms like pain or tiredness resulting in major distress on social or occupational functioning. Various types of somatoform disorders include – conversion disorder, pain disorder, hypochondriasis, body dysmorphic disorder.

  • Couples Therapy

    To help couples resolve their interpersonal conflicts and improve their romantic relationships.

  • Addiction

    One has intense and persistent urge to use drugs, alcohol, nicotine despite negative consequences. Digital addiction has also become an upcoming challenge in these days.

  • Depression

    A condition where in one has low mood, loss of interest in activities which one usually enjoys, lacks energy, fatigue, excessive crying, irritability, low self – esteem, poor concentration, changes in sleep, appetite, & sex drive. One may also have thoughts of suicide.

  • Bipolar Disorders

    A condition where there are extreme mood swings including emotional highs and lows.

  • Personality Problems

    These include an individual having long – lasting unhealthy, disruptive and rigid patterns of thinking, behavior, mood and relating to others.

  • Behavioral Issues with Children

    Understanding and dealing with behavioral issues related to children like ADHD, ASD, ODD, Anxiety, Depression, bipolar and conduct disorder.

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome

    It is a condition that affects large intestine. Various signs and symptoms include abdominal pain, cramps, gas, bloating, constipation or diarrhea.

  • Dissociative Disorders

    One experiences a disconnection, being detached from reality, lack of continuity between memories, thoughts, surroundings, identity and action. It is an involuntary escape from reality. Dissociative disorders include dissociative amnesia, dissociative fugue, depersonalization disorder, dissociative identity disorder.

Techniques Used


A treatment that includes resolution of emotional problem by psychological techniques. It requires a well-trained and licensed professional. The intent of building a relationship with a client includes:

  1. of removing, modifying or retarding existing symptoms;
  2. of mediating disturbed patterns of behavior, and
  3. of promoting positive personality growth and development

Various forms of psychotherapy include: Behavior therapy, Cognitive Behavior therapy, psychodynamic therapy, humanistic and existential therapies etc.


A form of psychotherapy that uses hypnosis to heal client suffering from an emotional problem. A method in which a professional suggests while treating someone, that they will experience changes in perceptions, behaviors, thoughts and sensations. A state of awareness in which one is detached from their present environment and completely focused on inner emotions, feelings and experiences.

Regression Therapy

A brief, focused and result oriented approach to therapy which doesn’t use hypnosis as a medium to induce trance but the client’s symptoms and issues to help find the resolution.

Marital & Family Therapy

A form of therapy that focusses on families and couple’s systems of interaction in intimate relationships to nurture change and development.

Psychodiagnostics and Assessment

Psychological assessment includes clinical interview, personality assessment, IQ testing and behavioral assessment. Tests help us to observe people’s behavior in a systematic way and make inferences about the underlying attributes that stimulate that behavior. It aids in preparations of treatment plans.