A mental disorder is a condition which disrupts our thinking, feeling, behavior, social interactions and mood causing significant distress to our daily life functioning. It results in one spending most of the day thinking about the problem or concern.

Mental illness can happen to anyone. But people with history of trauma, genetic predisposition, chronic stress and certain personality traits can be more prone to mental disorders or concerns more.

If you feel any of these changes within you, it is recommended that you consult a psychologist and a psychiatrist.

  • Marked changes in appetite, sleep and sexual drive
  • Mood Fluctuations
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Reduced productivity at work or school
  • Decreased interest in social interaction
  • Conflicts, fights in relationships
  • Decreased self-care
  • Lack of motivation
  • Loss of interest in activities that were enjoyable earlier
  • Decreased Energy
  • Emotional Turmoil

A general guideline to follow when deciding when to go for therapy is to understand how distressing and interfering is the problem that you are facing.

Is the problem/challenge taking up lot of your time?
Is it affecting your quality of life?
Is it interfering with your daily life?
Do you miss out on completing important tasks of the day?

If your answer is yes to any one of these, you must seek professional help.

A treatment that includes resolution of emotional problem by psychological techniques.
Requires a well-trained and licensed professional.
The intent of building a relationship with a client includes:

  1. removing, modifying or retarding existing symptoms;
  2. mediating disturbed patterns of behavior, and
  3. promoting positive personality growth and development.

There is no one cause for a mental disorder or dysfunction or dysregulation. Variety of biological, psychological and environment factors contribute to development and progression of a mental disorder or condition.

Psychiatrist: A psychiatrist is a physician who specializes in diagnosis, prevention and treatment of mental disorders. A psychiatrist provides pharmacotherapy i.e. treatment through medicines. They may ask you to get tests or physical examination as well.

Clinical Psychologist: A clinical psychologist is a licensed professional who specializes in diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders with psychotherapy.

Recovery of people with mental health disorder depends on willingness, time of intervention and severity of the dysfunction.

Research indicates that there are no side effects of therapy.

The session duration can range from 45 mins to 60 minutes depending on the nature of the illness.

It is dependent on the nature, severity and goals of therapy. It can range from once a week to twice a week.

Each client is different and hence we design a customized psychotherapeutic intervention plan. We follow an eclectic approach to treatment which provides us the opportunity to change and modify the techniques as and when needed. This helps us to find a good fit for the clients needs.

Confidentiality is a key component of our psychotherapeutic intervention procedure. Information share by the client is kept confidential under all circumstances except for the following:

  • We may disclose private information without consent in order to protect the client or the public from serious harm — if, for example, a client discusses plans to attempt suicide or harm another person.
  • We will share certain information about your diagnosis and treatment with the health insurance company or government program that is paying for your treatment so that the company or program can determine what care is covered.
  • We may release information if there we receive a court order. That might happen if a person’s mental health came into question during legal proceedings.

Seeking help or therapy is not a sign of weakness or madness. It is an action of self-care to reach out to a professional. It can actually help you find resolutions with the help of a professional. Also, seek help because you deserve the it. Just like you would reach out to a physician/specialist if you have fever, nausea, cold, thyroid, diabetes or heart condition, reach out to a mental health professional for yourself.

Our doctor is with patients throughout the day, so you may not receive an immediate answer. As soon as the doctor is available, we will return your call back. To help us to get back to you as soon as possible, please leave your number, name and reason for call.